If you loose your key - we find it !

We help you find your keyes if you loose them.

Every client get a keychain with a unique serial number. If someone finds it, he will return it to us, and receive a finders fee in money.

Finder will never know who the client is, or where he lives.

Lost keys - a global local problem

When you loose your keys, it causes a lot of practical problems and also fear.

  • You cannot access youre home / car.
  • It is expensive to make new keys.
  • You fear someone will enter your home with your own keys.
  • Our service protects you, - find your keys and make sure no one knows who is the owner of the key.

We are a team that are dedicated to one thing, keep our clients happy and that they feel secure that if they loose their key, it will be returned by us.

Nick Perry, Team Manager